Saturday, July 24, 2010

Wisdom Pt10

I've decided to post some of the simple wisdom my married friends have shared with me over the past few weeks. Their insight, kindness and support was exactly what we needed in the last (mildly stressful) weeks leading up to our wedding.

The final instalment was my favourite piece of, well, not advice really - just a beautiful example of two of our married friends looking past the irritating things we all do and getting on with loving each other.

That (annoying) behaviour is just one of your quirks. And I love you for it!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wisdom Pt9

I've decided to post some of the simple wisdom my married friends have shared with me over the past few weeks. Their insight, kindness and support was exactly what we needed in the last (mildly stressful) weeks leading up to our wedding.

Just some random ones for today and tomorrow.

You might laugh all your wedding day and cry when you leave. That's ok.

Accidentally punching your spouse in the face when you're asleep. It happens.

There is such a thing as a two-sided quilt. One half is warmer than the other. 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wisdom Pt8

I've decided to post some of the simple wisdom my married friends have shared with me over the past few weeks. Their insight, kindness and support was exactly what we needed in the last (mildly stressful) weeks leading up to our wedding.

Today's topic is children:

"Have some."

"They're a blessing, even when pregnancy is hard."

"Have at least half a dozen."

"Never let them forget that you loved each other before they came along! They'll add to the fun too."

"Practise making them."

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wisdom Pt7

I've decided to post some of the simple wisdom my married friends have shared with me over the past few weeks. Their insight, kindness and support was exactly what we needed in the last (mildly stressful) weeks leading up to our wedding.

Today's topic is FIGHTING!

"Keep your voice quiet, it stops the fight from escalating!"

"Fighting always leads to great make up sex!"

"Never go to bed angry and always fight back."

"Never fight dirty, don't say things that will hurt beyond the argument."

"Don't go to bed without resolving a fight!!!!!"

"Win, even when you make it look like you're losing. ;)"

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wisdom Pt6

I've decided to post some of the simple wisdom my married friends have shared with me over the past few weeks. Their insight, kindness and support was exactly what we needed in the last (mildly stressful) weeks leading up to our wedding.

Today's topic is the IN-LAWS:

"Honour them - they gave you your man!"

"Speak the best of them, look for the positives."

"Never let them cause arguments between you."

"Speak of them in love."

"Always love and respect."

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Wisdom Pt5

I've decided to post some of the simple wisdom my married friends have shared with me over the past few weeks. Their insight, kindness and support was exactly what we needed in the last (mildly stressful) weeks leading up to our wedding.

Today's topic is CHORES:

"Always share them."

"Put the music up loud and do them together"

"Divvy them up and share the load!"

"Share the household jobs, don't end up doing 'his' jobs because he doesn't do them straight away."

"Never let them come between you - better a messy house & happy husband than visa-versa."

"Always do the ones you hate when you're mad."

Friday, July 16, 2010

Wisdom Pt4

I've decided to post some of the simple wisdom my married friends have shared with me over the past few weeks. Their insight, kindness and support was exactly what we needed in the last (mildly stressful) weeks leading up to our wedding.

Today's topic is "Old Boyfriends":

"Never think about them when you kiss."

"Always say how much more amazing your husband is."

"Never bring them up!"

"Old boyfriends don't matter - keep them in the past, the grass ain't that green on the other side."

"Keep their phone number handy." ;)

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Not sure if our photographer will post anything (I think she's in Europe!) but if you want to be the first to see our photos, be sure to check out her blog:

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wisdom Pt3

I've decided to post some of the simple wisdom my married friends have shared with me over the past few weeks. Their insight, kindness and support was exactly what we needed in the last (mildly stressful) weeks leading up to our wedding.

Today's topic is honesty:

"Be true to each other - take the time to get to the heart of things. Don't ever push things down."

"Answer tricky questions with a question of your own." ;)

"Honesty hurts, but it's better all round - it is always the best policy for a happy marriage."

"Honesty, always, always, always."

"Be honest about all the areas of your life."

"Never say anything too harsh about his mum."

Monday, July 12, 2010

Wisdom Pt2

I've decided to post some of the simple wisdom my married friends have shared with me over the past few weeks. Their insight, kindness and support was exactly what we needed in the last (mildly stressful) weeks leading up to our wedding.

Today the topic is "Money" (that old chestnut!)

"Always let Zac think he is in control of the finances" ;)

"Never let money rule your marriage... it's really not as important as our culture says"

"Never worry about it, you've got each other"

"Talk about money openly and be honest. Unity on this subject will keep the peace."

"Ask Zac for money, even if you have some in your purse." ;)

"Always trust God to provide. Never be afraid to be generous."

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wisdom Pt1

I've decided to post some of the simple wisdom my married friends have shared with me over the past few weeks. Their insight, kindness and support was exactly what we needed in the last (mildly stressful) weeks leading up to our wedding.

Today the topic is "The Wedding"

"Always CELEBRATE each year - Go all out... make it the most important date in your year"

"Enjoy your day- ban stress - if something doesn't go to plan just laugh"

"Never worry about what others think"

"Have a special moment by yourselves during the chaos of the day - soak it in!"

"Savour every moment - you only get to do it once + take a moment to be alone."

"Smile and stay calm if something goes wrong"

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Today is the day we get married... 

Zachary and Clare 10 July 2007-forever

Friday, July 9, 2010

Street love.

Dear Zac,

Only vandalism could express my love for you at this moment....


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Moving House.

So yesterday we moved all our gear into our new house!

(WARNING: this post will have bulk exclamation marks!!)

It was tough getting everything in, but Zac called in a favour and we had heaps of people come and help us. Although, I think Ryan (his bro & groomsman) managed to spend the whole time putting together 2x ikea bedside tables with lots of blood sweat and tears... haha!

So all our stuff is in, besides our suitcases, some of my clothes and my bed.

Last night we unpacked the kitchen (our favourite room) and it was SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!

We're going to unpack everything else once we get back.

Also, today the couches and some of our wedding presents get delivered!! :)

oh, and yesterday the necklaces arrived! YAY!

Monday, July 5, 2010


My brain is addled, the last week has been shocking! Sorry for being a bad blogger and not posting... To my one reader, I'm truely sorry! haha!

Did I tell you about the Anthropologie saga? About how my friend in CA is shipping me some presents for my bridesmaids? Well, I ordered them 10/06/10 and they got sent out 2 days later to Ali.

6 days later I check the postal tracking and I realised something horrible. I sent had sent them to the wrong address. It wasn't completely wrong, just 1 word was wrong - I had written "Sea Mist" instead of "Ocean Mist".

As Ali emailed me, "Same body of water, different word, sweetie."


So I emailed and emailed and emailed Anthropologie and they finally got back a week later, letting me know that they had received the package back and would I like to correct the address? At the same time Ali emailed me, "We're going away in 3 days (the 1st of July) for 10 days.. any word on the package?" So I emailed Anthropologie back, Yes Please, OCEAN Mist and Make it Overnight Express.

Well, they didn't send the package for 2 days. Wonderful! *sarcasm*

Ali and I emailed back and forth. Thank God she has a cat and it needed to be fed while she was away, because she organised a friend to take care of it. She sent the package and while it's cutting it fine, they're meant to be arriving this Wednesday. One month later.

Sigh... my brain has turned to mush!

It seems I'm not the only one, Zac spent last weekend down south with his mates. He went down with a developing cold and the next evening when I spoke to him briefly, he mentioned swimming, the ocean, boating, lack of jumper (it fell in the ocean) and, wait for it....

Sea Biscuiting.

He still has a cold, it has developed into a fully-fledged man-cold.

We also took a trip to the Physiotherapist this morning to get some work done on his shoulder because one of his friends decided it would be great to drag Zac behind the boat at 30 knots. Of course, Zac flew off and landed on the rock hard Indian Ocean, shoulder first.

So he's strapped up, with 2 more sessions to go before Saturday and warned not to lift anything.

Too bad we're moving house on Wednesday and Thursday.

This week is so messed up.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Tomorrow I'm going to a bridal shower the girls are throwing me. As per usual, they are VERY good at keeping secrets and I have no idea what's going on.

Thanks in advance to Chantelle and Sarah for being so lovely!