Legged it to the south of the river this afternoon to visit a few small stores to see if they would consider lending/renting me some of their furniture. My theory being that it may be easier to rent a couple of black queen anne console tables (on the cheap) from a small business owner than from an established hire company.
I visited:
French Vanilla, Applecross
They have 2 rounded console tables, but they are that 'shabby/chic' white. After seeing some lovely black furniture they had, I think I am convinced that black will work better within our colour scheme. They just look a little more streamlined and masculine, the shabby/chic look is very, very feminine and we aren't the biggest fan. They didn't seem opposed to the idea of renting, but I decided to call back later because they were moving the shop around.
Orielle, Como
I have driven past this store so many times, but it was only today that I realised they had changed the signage in their window to "Orielle White Wedding" and now have an active hire business. They have quite a few pieces of French-style furniture, a website and they have 2 black console tables that we can hire (no pictures unfortunately). Still waiting to hear back from the lady as to how much they will be to hire.
This chaise lounge is quite nice: hire price is $180. I can't deny it would look lovely for some photos and somewhere to sit while champagne and canapes are being handed around.

Black furniture: See how it is a little more understated? Still quite strong, though...

They also have this birdcage that caught my eye, not that we need it. I can't decide if it is more impressive, rather than pretty. Do you know what I mean? A bit over the top for my taste.

Their typical wedding set up, apparently they can cover the chairs in whatever fabric you like. That's a pretty cool hire feature. You can see a white version of the console table in this photo:

all images from Orielle
A couple more places to go and see:
Corner Store, Claremont
Queen of Theme, North Perth
All that being said, none of these things are essential to getting married, I won't even be worried if it doesn't pan out. Although, the former Events Girl in me says, "Why not try if you have the time?"
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