Early on Friday morning (i.e. 5:45am) Mum and I woke up. We drove for 30 minutes to Everbloom in Leederville to get some flowers. Good on you, Everbloom, for selling to the public!

We picked up everything that we could see that was textured, yellow, white and grey.
A few minutes later we walked out with:
- White spider chrysanthemums
- Dusty Miller foliage
- Yellow roses, I believe they were called "Tweety"
- Yellow daisys, but NOT gerberas. Hate gerberas. They don't even deserve a capital letter.
We also dropped by Dad's church on the way home and happens to pick up some roses from the rose garden that had 'fallen off the bushes in the wind'. Very strong Easterly that morning. Very strong. Hrmm, cough cough.
I also picked some grey Wattle foliage and some Branches With Really Big Grey Leaves that I don't know the name of from our garden.
Then it all went in the sink:
Then I combined:
1x Wattle branch
1x Tweety rose
1x Spider Mum
1x Daisy
3+ Dusty Miller
and put them in a glass jar, most of which were borrowed from my good friend Kirsty. Thanks Kirsty!
The white garden roses, courtesy of the Easterly Wind (aka, mother's garden scissors) went into ikea vases, courtesy of Kirsty, and graced a table along the path.
I did other arrangements, but I don't have photos of them.. boo! Thank goodness we will have a photographer at the wedding!
If anyone has any photos - feel free to email them to me :)
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